Tuesday, October 26

sitting at work...

i got this email from my lovely friend, the lovely susannah schutt. she loves these things. i like them. by which i mean i love them. so much so that i am also adding a few of my favorite questions from another lovely friend of mine, from an email he sent a long long time ago, and i'm stealing a lot of his answers because they're stupendously funny. so his questions will be italicized. did i mention i'm at work and bored out of my skull?

1.   What time is it?
4:40 PM.

1. full name?
carol catherine burns gray.

2.   Name as it appears on birth certificate:
Carol Catherine Danger Burns Gray

2.  what color pants are you wearing now?  blue (jeans). i think they are supposed to be "distressed" or something.

3.   Nicknames:
Care, Barol, Bean, Too-Slim, Bob, Carol Flynn, Clairol

3.  what are you listening to?  a music lesson--i think lee criso is playing the clarinet, sounds like. the typety type of kids on computer lab keyboards. faint shouts from outside. the voices in my head.

4.   Parents names:
John Edward Gray and Laurie Lucile Burns

4.  what was your last meal? lady grey tea with milk and sugar, a toasted blueberry bagel with cream cheese, apple cider

5.   Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?

6.   Date you regularly blow them out?  
March 17-25.

5.  do you wish on stars?  yes. well, actually no. but i would.

6.  if you were a crayon what color would you be? turquoise.

7.   Height:  
5'10" or 5'11"

7.  how is the weather right now?  cloudy and crummy. warmer than it looks. brisk. (good word susie! very british.)

8.   Eye Color:
it varies. you could call them blue or grey. you could also call them toast, if you like. labels are unimportant.

8.  who was the last person you talked to on the phone?  
my boss at the michigan theater, tara.

9.   Hair Color:  
Filthy Blonde. Mousy Brown.

9.  do you like the person who sent you this?  

10.  Piercing(s):  

10.  how old are you today?  
21...haven't we covered this? oh right, i'm filling out two at once. is this the most ridiculous thing ever? just tell me, i'll shut up. ok too late

11.  Tattoos:
Your face...on my heart.

11.  favorite drink?  
cranberry juice, probably. beer is tasty too.but if i say beer first then i am a lush. cranberry juice is healthy and...oh who am i kidding, beer

12.  How much do you love your job on a linear scale of 1-10, one being the least, ten the best:
well, i'll go in order:
rudolf steiner: 10
michigan theater: 8.5
emerson (where i am right now): 5
hmm...reverse those numbers and that's how much i get paid per hour at each job. roughly. *sigh*

12.  favorite sport?  

13.  Birthplace:
Ann Arbor, Mi.
14.  Hometown:
Ann Arbor, Mi.
15.  Current Residence:
I am so damn boring.

14.  do you wear contacts?  

15.  any siblings?  
two: charlie, 19 and margaret, 13.

16.  Had your heart broken?
is this a trick question?

16.  favorite food?  
i love food. thanksgiving (good one susie), also broccoli and pineapple.

**ran out of time in the lab, so i'm finishing this the next day at home.**
**isn't this fun???**

17.  Been in love before?
Never enough.

17.  last movie you watched?  
shaun of the dead, and it was AWESOME

18.  Been to Africa?  
that's a country, right?

18.  favorite day of the year?  
thanksgiving (susie now i know why we are such good friends), the warm days in autumn, the first snow day, the last day of school (hmm...not sure if this applies to me anymore...)

19.  Been to Vegas?
oooh.....las vegas ain't no place for a poor girl like me.

19.  what do you do to vent anger?  
drink, drive (not at the same time), argue out loud with the mirror (is that weird?) (don't answer that), stare sullenly into space

20.  Been toileted papered?
My body was once entirely covered. I was the "Toilet Mummy." I was four.

20.  summer or winter?
i love my idealized version and hate the reality of both. (yes susie yes) but in truth i like winter best. it is easier and more fun to warm up. also in winter it feels like my life is a record that is finally being turned over.

21.  Loved somebody so much it made you cry?  
My family.

21.  hugs or kisses?  hugs

22.  Been in a car accident?
considering the number of dents in my car, i am somewhat surprised to say no. that is to say, none of them were my fault. i have been hit a number of times, but i wouldn't really call them car accidents. um...i'm a great driver, next question.

22.  chocolate or vanilla?  
chocolate mostly. although lately i've been craving plain old vanilla ice cream. and you know what is great that is not great with chocolate? vanilla soft serve with rainbow sprinkles.

23.  Croutons or Bacon Bits?
On the side.

24.  Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip?  
Hellman's all the way. Miracle Whip is whipped bullshit.

25.  Coke or Pepsi?  
Jigga please.

26.  Car - 2 or 4 door?

27.  Sprite or 7-up?
sierra mist!

26.  what are your living arrangements?
my mother sleeps one room over and i still have to pay rent.

27.  last time you cried?  
this morning, actually. i spilled the milk.

28.  What is your occupation?  
I'm occupied by my thoughts.

28.  what is under your bed?  
old socks, dust bunnies, hopefully my green tank top and my car keys also

29.  Favorite Color?  
I'm going to conform to the rest of America and say blue, but sometimes I dream in green.

29.  who is the friend you've had the longest?
jedd cohen. (sorry emily and onny, cyndi etsler trumps sandy pollack)

30.  In what do you sleep?
The Raw (that's malinsky's answer...) i don't know, old t-shirts, boxers, flannel nightshirts. i don't like wearing pants to bed and i always kick my socks off in the middle of the night. you wish you knew me.

30.  favorite smell?  
thanksgiving (trend?), boy smell, cut grass, leaves, winter, chanel allure

31a.  Favorite Movie?  
A Hard Day's Night
31b.  Worst movie ever?
Pearl Harbor. i felt physically unclean after watching it.
31c.  Most sedating movie?
The Winslow Boy (I love David Mamet, but dizzamn, I cannot watch this movie....)

31.  what inspires you?  
my father, my mother, j.d. salinger, yeats, vachel lindsay, sunshine

32.  Favorite Holiday?
Thanksgiving WHAT

32.  favorite flower?  
daylilies or...i guess just daylilies. oh, and peach-colored roses.

33.  number of key on your key ring?  
three--house, car, neighbor's house

34.  Favorite word or phrase?
Awe seeix. can do! "and then i was all..." .....does impulsive laughter count?

34.  can you juggle?  
actually, yes--and bowling pins at that.

35.  Favorite toothpaste?  

36.  favorite day of the week?  
saturday--it's nestled so nicely between friday and sunday

36.  Favorite Restaurant?
right now, the Northside Grill.

37.  what did you do on your last birthday?
hmm. had a big dinner party at my house with my best friends and family, then went to ABC and drank enough beer to make doing shots of 151 at the arena afterwards seem like a great idea. the rest, shall we say, is history.

38.  the # of states you've lived in?  
1...2...3. bavaria is a state, right?

39.  the # of cities you've lived in?  
5 (exeter, NH; munich, ann arbor, elk rapids, berlin)

40.  Preferred type of ice cream?  
Peppermint. with butterscotch sauce please.

40.  the # of cars owned?  

41.  the 1st car you had?  
my dented, ugly, smelly, red '97 mercury sable.

42.  where were you born?  
university of michigan hospital, ann arbor, MI

42.  Disney/Warner Bros?
If they fought, who would win - Mickey or Batman? (i think this is also malinsky's answer)

43.  Favorite Fast Food Restaurant?  
Taco Bell. hey, if you're gonna eat disgusting food, go for it all the way man. none of that 6 grams of fat bullshit.

44.  What color is your bedroom carpet?  
no carpet right now, actually. it will be grey eventually.

45.  How many times did you fail your permit or drivers license test?
I'm not at liberty to frigging say. go soak your head.

47.  Have you been convicted of a crime?
I stole a kiss once.  I'm still on probation. ( oh this one HAS to be malinsky) :)

48.  In which single store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Border's. or Restoration Hardware.

49.  What do you do most often when you are bored?
Read...organize CDs...eat.....fill out online surveys...

50.  Friend that lives the farthest away?
Jesus. (malinksy) (he's not jesus, but he wrote that)

51.  Bedtime?  
6 am or so

54.  What is your favorite U2 song?
*sharp intake of breath* this is a toughie. i think Bad maybe. i am looking forward to their new album SO much.

55.  Better Steven Page creation: "In the Car" or "Break Your Heart?"
Unanswerable...they are both works of genius. I think I'd go with Break your heart though, simply because the live version is just so good.

56.  For what are you most thankful?
Loose skin on my elbows, so that I may bend my arms. (malinsky) And you.

55.  What time is it?  
12:36 pm, two days after i started this ridiculous post. god i'm sorry if you just read all that. you would have to be so much more bored than me.


Blogger Malinsk said...

Errm, sorry if this comment is duped.

Wanna know how bad my memory is? It wasn't until the U2 question I realized I was the one who had sent this thing. Before that I just thought you knew me well enough to know what I would say. I was like "This is freakin uncanny."

U2 = So Cruel

Steve Page = In the Car


We should get together sometime and have an ingesting party - broccoli, pineapple, and cranberry juice, oh shit!

4:06 PM  
Blogger carolcatherine said...

mmm....broccoli, pineapple, cranberry juice....so delicious.

yeah, so cruel. word. i knew you would pick in the car. i just love hearing steven page howl "but....now....iiii....know that you willlll....beokay".

the new U2 single rocks. so, incidentally, does the new snoop single. drop it like it's hot.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Malinsk said...

Is it possible not to?

"I know that you will be okay, and I've got what I want . . . and that's rid of you. Goodbye."

Love that song.

1:57 PM  

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