Thursday, September 22


While wasting time this morning, I found this gem on, for Southern Utah University:

"The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in arts administration seeks to provide a practical interdisciplinary education that develops well-rounded generalists."

Well-rounded generalists, eh? That sounds great. But why bother giving the degree a title? I mean isn't that too specific? We don't want to get all nitpicky. I think "Master of Whatever" would be appropriate. Maybe "Master of Things, Like, You Know, Stuff". God knows we have enough specialists in this world without going and giving them a degree that might actually help them hone a certain skill or two. Expert, schmexpert.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


(said susie schutt when she read this)

4:19 PM  
Blogger EJ Takes Life said...

We used to joke about majoring in Bullshit Studies with a minor in Academic Masturbation... apparently, it isn't a joke to some in Utah!

4:28 PM  

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