Sunday, April 10

a hell of a town

ok next installment. i'm exhausted this morning and i only have about a half an hour to write this, wash up, get dressed, and figure out how to get to the MOMA which is where i'm meeting my MOMMA. hah. so you better listen carefully or you might miss something.

yesterday was gorgeous and andrew was home all day, and we all had work to do, so we woke up, had some cereal (graham), pop tarts (me) and hot dogs (andrew) and watched silly online videos while we shook off sleep. i showed them the gi joe videos and we laughed a lot. then we all packed up and walked to prospect park, sort of brooklyn's equivalent to central park. it reminded me a lot of the englischer garten--big open areas, lakes, lots of little paths, lots of families, lots of frisbees, everyone calm. no biergartens unfortunately but you can't have everything. so we left the house at maybe a quarter to one and we walked around the entire park, just made one big loop. we stopped at the Audobon Society Cafe for a coke and some potato chips, where you can look through giant plastic animals' heads and see things from their point of view. it was wacky. we made it back to the beginning of our loop by 2:30 and i bought 2 hot dogs and a toasted almond bar from a stand and then we flopped down on the side of a hill and spent about 20 minutes doing work. then we remembered we had brought a frisbee and so we said fuck work and played frisbee until 5:30 pm. i am the world's worst frisbee player. i singlehandedly brought about the discomfort and annoyance of at least three unlucky individuals who suffered at my slow hands. i guess in brooklyn people down't mind being hit in the head though because no one was mad at me. or maybe i just didn't notice because i was laughing too hard. i seriously have to stop doing that. whenever something is terribly wrong i laugh uncontrollably. there were also these three year olds that kept wanting to play the game and would like stare us down until we sheepishly handed them the frisbee and then they'd toddle over to whoever was next in the rotation and slap it on the ground. it was hilarious. oh, also: graham and andrew are involved in a prank war with this woman who works with andrew's sister. somehow she acquired the name chocolate bobbins, and so their thing is they call her and pretend to be, i don't know, someone responding to an ad or something and at the end of the message they somehow work in the words chocolate bobbins and then she knows it's them. and they were getting EVERYONE to call. i called a few people myself but i doubt they actually did it. anyway you had to be there, but it was hi-larious.

so we wandered around the neighborhood after that looking for pie because andrew had a craving. i suppose we all did. their neighborhood is adorable, just filled with cute little stores and families. we decided to have dinner at this amazing restaurant that made guacamole fresh right there at the table for you. it was served in this giant lava rock bowl shaped like a pig. delicious. then we had the special which was lots of meats like beef, shrimp, chicken, and fish and then oaxaca cheese and peppers and it's all served in a big lava rock bowl of spicy gumbo that you dip the stuff in and then lots of delicious fresh corn tortillas....delicious delicious. i also had a strawberry margarita for the first time ever. very very strong. then we were going to watch the sunset from the roof but the window was broken. so then we watched the end of nausicaa valley of the wind and i had another brooklyn lager (so good! local brew) and we flipped through the pages of the village voice. and lo and behold, lcd soundsystem is playing a tsunami relief benefit in the village, with four other bands, one of whom was the rapture! so we called up jason and met down at movido, a tiny unmarked hipster club on a busy street. they weren't letting us in unless we were female though, and because i was "saddled" with three guys, it was no dice. we waited in line for about 45 minutes. when we finally got in, we were surprised to find that the club was very small, way too small to fit five bands. we were confused until we asked a bouncer and apparently the bands were just going to DJ....not actually perform. hilarious. we danced for a while. the rapture were excellent djs...lcd soundsystem not so much. but it was fun making eyes at famous people and flirting with the rapture. and i wore my sunglasses all night. we got bored and sleepy about 2 am which meant it was time to go to ANOTHER bar because the-bars-in-new-york-don't-close-till-4-am what! we moseyed down the street through a few frat-tastic bars (one of which was called "the slaughtered lamb" and was playing that ironic?) until we found a sweet bar called Apple that was playing the entire white stripes album "elephant" and they had $6 pints of sierra nevada on tap. holy cow. it was awesome.

i stumbled home at 4:15 and passed out. have to go meet mom. ain't no love in the heart of the city, but i still got love for the streets.


Blogger Malinsk said...

Jared and I were throwing a frisbee at carpenter school in Ypsi a few years ago. Some ~8 year old boys were there, seemingly innocently seeking to play. How wrong my assumptions were . . .

When we would throw to one of them, it was rare they'd throw it to any other person, rather obviously purposely in the direction of no one. Additionally, the alpha boy was talking "trash," swearing and trying to insult us and what-not.

After a while I looked at Jared from across the diamond. "Enough community service for today?" I said, or something like that.

I meant we should just leave, but he nodded, and then started whipping the disc at the alpha's skull . . . while he wasn't looking. Jared is a cruel.

Your little kids make me envious, I guess is what I'm trying to say. All in all, it sounds like New York was great compared to any comparable things.

10:12 PM  
Blogger The once and future Dr. Science said...

1)we didn't get home until 5
2) what the hell did I mean by "saddled?" I'm losing my um...what's that

3:34 AM  
Blogger carolcatherine said...

yeah! the slaughtered lamb! in the village! definitely stuffed. it was more goth-frat, like "hardcore" guys who looooove slipknot and simple plan but wear trucker hats.

12:16 AM  

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