Monday, March 14

when the sun turns straight or cold/and the all the trees are shivering in the naked road/i get the urge for going/but i never seem to go

so i know i said i would continue to explore the idea of violence as a form of revolution, and i have to say all of your comments really inspired me to think deeply about that topic. it's something i have always thought about, and i appreciate your insight (especially the comments from people with whom i almost never discuss philosophical things) and hope that you'll believe me when i say i will revisit this, i promise. but not today. vagmons. i have been pretty relaxed lately. it's cool because i worked all spring break and i totally exhausted myself, but i scored some major points with my bosses so now i can take lots of time off as my schedule fills up again. soon the next rudolf steiner play will start up again (twelfth night!) (you know what is a funny word? twelfth. fucking weird.), i'm beginning the first stages of midsummer night's dream (the play i'll be co-directing with an rc professor, to take place outdoors in the arboretum in june), laramie is fucking finally getting off the ground (goes up easter weekend in the rc), and my birthday is coming up this weekend!!

22, man. whoda thunk it. i would have never thought i'd be this old. i mean really. actually, it's cool though. for the longest time i was really stuck...i kept thinking i was still 17. but now i feel solidly on my feet and in my twenties, and i am embracing getting older. i still feel like i need to leave ann arbor. and i august. damn...that's many months from now. crap. emily is in europe and i am soooo jealous. i really want to go somewhere but i can't afford anything. this is what i hate about getting older: you can't afford jack shit and you realize all those people telling you to enjoy yourself in your youth and not to worry about the "real world" were just trying to live vicariously through you and now are sitting back and laughing at you being broke and lonely still in your hometown. hmph. i need to find someone to live vicariously through, i guess. no no--i mean i need to save money. right, that's the ticket.

i've been sitting on my red couch all afternoon messing around with my mp3s. it's been a long time since i actually thought about my music, really filing it away and categorizing it. i used to do that all the time and i haven't done it in a loooong time. well, i spent about two hours today renaming songs and making sure the album names were spelled correctly and i found i really missed it. i can't believe i never worked at wcbn. speaking of which, i have to say, the rachel's show at the art museum fucking rocked my socks. it was so awesome. anyone know that band rachel's? buy me an album for my birthday. vinyl only please--i am expanding my record collection.

all these songs keep coming on that are so significant to my thought process right now. papa was a rodeo by the magnetic fields, urge for going by joni mitchell, it ought to be easier by lyle lovett. man. does music control my life or does my life dictate my music taste?

recent additions to my music library:
brian eno, here come the warm jets (chris--they finally restocked it!)
nomo, nomo (went to this concert on friday at the pig by myself--rocked. then went to the bang on saturday and still had my wristband and stamp from last night and the bouncer looked at me like i was such a stupid party girl and i just grinned stupidly and headed for the bar)
a.c. newman, the slow wonder (yeah, it's like sooo last year...but damn good nonetheless)
arcade fire, funeral (bought it on vinyl it was so damn good)
"signs" by snoop dogg feat. justin timberlake (oh man this song is dancetastic)
chris bathgate, silence is for suckers (check me out performing with him on saturday in the arena theater at 11

ok that's all. i should do laundry or something. i started fiddling again. oh how i missed music in my life.

do i swear too much?

currently spinning: the velvet underground, all tomorrow's parties
current mood: ready for action


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