Wednesday, February 9



please please please come. all proceeds go to SAFEhouse, a local domestic violence shelter. it's quite an experience if you've never seen the show--and if you have, you've never seen it like this. trust me. i promise surprises. never been seen before. go to any ticketmaster outlet or go online. the show is February 20 at 2 and 7:30. don't miss it!

and from another musty section of carol's brain...

how many of you (dear readers) use real names in your blogs? i'm asking because i wonder where to draw the line, you know, internethically speaking. it's a different kind of planet here in the cyber universe, and i don't want to step on anyone's toes, nor have my toes be stepped upon.

i personally feel it's a little inappropriate to use real names, especially if the community you're reaching knows the person you're talking about. this isn't meant to call anyone out and i'm certainly not condemning those who choose to get personal. i would never do it, though, and i think one should at least ask before using anyone's personal information. true, it's not a phone number or an address, but a name is a lot, especially in a small circle of friends.



Blogger mjs said...

I tend to use first names only or first names with last initial if I am giving someone credit and I want the world to know how fantastic that person is.

my own blog site has my first name because i was a blogger novice and didn't think about my own privacy - I didn't think about the whole blogging, cyberspace world. I figured it was just an online journal, no big deal. I would change it now if i could.

In my links section, I link to other blogs but only if I have some good idea that the owner doesn't mind if they are public. For example, your link is on your friendster site (pretty public)whereas one of my law school friend's specifically told me the link in confidence because s/he didn't want other law students to know about the blog. (of course, if you want me to take the link to your blog off my site, tell me! but know that you are depriving lots of people of your good pressure or anything!).

That's my take. I've thought about this some. Problem is, there is always the competing interest that I am trying to write a blog, which is a journal of sorts so if I make it too vague sometimes I feel like my blog hasn't served its self-absorbed purpose of making me feel better.

Okay, thats all. Mitch Hedberg is in Detroit tonight, I'm going! You should too. He is hilarious!

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is an interesting question. i have used your name in my blog before and i hope you don't mind it. i guess it depends in what context you mention the person. i try to keep it vague if it is personal or rude, but then again i try to vent in my journal and i don't like the idea of censoring myself. i guess its a judgement call on the situation. thats all i have to say.
deep thoughts by susie.

7:04 PM  
Blogger carolcatherine said...

linking to others' blogs is definitely appropriate, although i agree only when the blogger has given permission. and shout-outs are--obviously--awesome and i really can't think of a scenario in which one wouldn't want to be congratulated. but when it comes to things like, say, love triangles, or complaining, or really personal stuff, that's where i draw the line.

i do agree with susie, in that it depends on the situation. but man...if you have a choice between calling (or even GASP talking to someone in person) and blogging, go old-school and ring 'em up.

4:52 PM  

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