Wednesday, January 26

today is a lovely day to run.

except not really because there are still ten inches of snow on the ground. people are so territorial about their snow-shoveling. right in front of my apartment, it's fine. i have a nice, prompt landlord. the people who live on either side of me have instead chosen to tramp two feet deep footprints into the piles of snow on the sidewalk, which always of course collapse around your legs when you step in them. *sigh* why can't the world just operate in my paradigm? is that an accurate use of that word? wait, stop--i don't care.

by the way:

you needs must check this out. thank you, little brother. charlie gray brightens my world through sheer awesomeness. he told me to say that.

i sort of want to cut my hair again. in the same way that i want to go back to school. yeah, it would be great, but it's expensive and time-consuming, and i'd have to, like, work. BORING. so i'll probably just coast through this haircut like i plan to coast through this year. i will walk softly and carry my big thoughts in my heart (subverting the head-heart hierarchy) and be lazy but not boring and be well-rested and dance and not be afraid to smile and just be okay, just okay, and be okay with just being okay instead of perfect.

dear diary: today i felt like a twenty-something--an adult who understands the fundamental part of growing up is embracing the fact that you haven't yet.


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