Monday, January 17

ch ch ch changes

i have an annoucement to make.

after six solid years of below the shoulder curly, wavy, tangled, filthy blonde locks, i have officially done the unthinkable.

as every college graduate knows, all you want to do right after you peel off the gown is make some drastic physical change to help balance the craziness inside. for me, the impulse to cut my hair has been there since i graduated high school, which is long enough ago to be unmentionable. and i've had numerous opportune moments. moving back home, moving out of my home, moving into my own apartment, breaking up, new year's, a raise at work, etc etc. but what moment did i choose?

my hair was pretty dirty, and i thought to myself, well, i could wash it...or just cut it off.

so i cut it.

as soon as i get my act together i'll post a picture.

it'll surprise you.

no, i'm not bald, or buzzed. but they got rid of fourteen inches. you do the math.

and yes, i did donate it to Locks of Love.

anyone else got any big news?


Blogger Malinsk said...

Somewhat similarly, when I sensed something was wrong when I visited my girlfriend a couple months before we broke up I decided not to cut my hair. That was a year and four months ago, and now it's down past my shoulders. I had to wear a hair tie yesterday when I played basketball - bizarre.

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all, good title.

second. get a picture up as soon as you can.

third. i am so glad you did this. how liberating. i did it in high school and have recently considered doing it again. it is an amazing feeling.


5:43 PM  
Blogger pjpurdy said...

Ya know, I think I cut my hair after a long relationship ended too. What the hell, why couldn't I have done something cool like get a tattoo, or a ferrari?

1:23 PM  

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