Saturday, February 19

my next project

i would move to russia to meet nabokov.
i would go through the trial in the beginning of Xenocide to hang with orson scott card.
i'd become a devout bokonist to be vonnegut's friend.
i would marry seymour glass to be closer to buddy.
i'd be a milk-white mountain if neruda would write a poem using me as a metaphor.
i'd give up my name for jhumpa lahiri.
for yeats i'd be a little silver trout.
for e.e. cummings, i'd be nobody.
for phil ochs, i'd be the landlord's daughter.
i would be the darkness on the edge of town for bruce.
i'd be a wind-up bird for murakami.

the above is a list of things i wrote in my diary years ago that i add to every so often. i just added one and i wanted to tell you. if you've never read haruki him. he's awesome. his translation unfortunately always sucks (not that i speak japanese...but sometimes you can just tell) but he shines through like a light at the bottom of a pool.

i haven't seen it in the states, but there's a collection of short stories by him called "after the quake" that is vastly superior to many of the things i've read in my lifetime. i'm just now beginning on "the elephant vanishes" (more short stories) and "norweigan wood" (novel) and they are both thrilling the way fitzgerald is thrilling. somehow, he just always says the most basic thing that much better, and you not only love him for it, you somehow love the world that much more, just imperceptibly, the way you feel when the sun comes out from behind a cloud for just an instant and slices into your vision, warming everything.

i have no conclusion. beat on, boats against the current.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am currently reading norweigan wood. on page 213 of 293.

i feel like if across an ocean you and your friends, without knowing it, are reading the same book, you are meant to be friends. or something like that.


7:17 AM  
Blogger Malinsk said...

Yo Carol. I just read SFTD, Xenocide, and COTM like 4 months ago, but I can't quite remember . . . the trial with the Japanese girl? What did she have to do again? I know tracing lines was later, but didn't she have to like fall on her face without putting out her hands or something like that for the trial?

Thanks for any help.

4:48 PM  
Blogger carolcatherine said...

yeah i think she like also gets covered in black oil and has to get clean by rubbing her hands on the rough stone walls. also tracing lines is in the beginning. right? i can't remember. i just remember thinking, godDAMN that is some shitty shit this girl is going through. i would NEVER want to do this. except then later when i thought about it, i would if i could be orson's friend.

11:12 AM  

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