Wednesday, March 30

spring break!

it's spring break AGAIN. (good lord, how many spring breaks do the elementary and secondary schools of the ann arbor school district require!? this is the second in so many months. if this keeps up i will never convince myself to quit and get a real job.) it's lovely outside. i've been walking places. ann arbor is finally waking up. the smell in the air is soft, wet, and warm. i bought a grape hyacinth and everything.

and i feel like i've been hit by a truck. it figures. the first really warm days and i have the cold to end all colds. i am seriously thinking of putting the vacuum to my nose and just emptying myself of all the snot so i can go play outside. it's supposed to be 70 degrees today!!! aaar *cough cough* rrrrgh.

so my freak-out for the day deals with my first 9-5 job opportunity with benefits. i applied to work at the Ann Arbor Observer. i wrote a damn fine resume and cover letter. i dressed appropriately. i handed everything in on time. so why haven't they called me!? i followed up with an email and still nothing. they said interviews were going to start today. dammit. many of the things i want in life are silly and frivolous, but this seemed like a really good idea, and i did everything right. come on, fate! not that the Observer is exactly my dream job. but anything that will give me an excuse to quit Emerson is a good thing.

maybe i'll try going for a walk. every time i stand up i get dizzy. dammit!

aaron was here this weekend. it was AWESOME. i miss him a lot, but it felt so natural to be back together, and it felt the way those friendships with lifelong friends feel. we spent a little time catching up, but most of the time was spent just hanging out. we had an amazing evening walking from my apartment to the michigan theater and caught the end of Born Into Brothels which was really inspiring and sad and wonderful. and beautiful. and i wore my awesome new sunglasses (as karl put it, they are the 80-est sunglasses ever) (they have since shattered) (piece of shit urban outfitters sunglasses). it was just so redeeming to know that i have such a dependable friendship, even if we never get to see each other. this is the first time i've seen him since germany. that's like two years. like whoa.

mle and i might get a radio show next year. sweet.

ugh. i should do the dishes or something. i am such a homebody. oh, gods of sunshine, please forgive me--i promise i'll frolic when i can walk two steps without having to hack up a lung.

currently spinning: "kicking TV" by wilco
current mood: feisty, congested


Anonymous Anonymous said...

excuse me. ahem. aaron wasn't the ONLY one who visited this weekend.

feel better.


6:45 PM  

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