Saturday, January 14

omelets (omelettes?)

have had a lovely beginning to the new year, and came up with a few resolutions to boot. #1: find a new job. i've been saying i'm sick of my jobs for years. it's time i actually got off my ass and did something about it. the catalyst for this was not, in fact, the new year, but my first (!) firing ever. that's right. fired. i've had this job managing subscriptions for the not just for kids theater series at the michigan for about a year now, and i've hated it for about 11 and a half months of that. it's a boring, thoughtless job that requires me to come into work three times a week for about a half an hour at a time to check voicemail, mail out tickets, and, well, manage people's subsciptions to the series. (they can buy individual tickets to each show, or they can "subscribe", save money, and get a ticket to each of the shows plus a free movie or two. fabulous.) so i admit, i started slacking a bit, and a few people in the back office got a little tired of having to field furious parents (furious for absolutely no reason), which i can understand.

so the meeting of dread with tara re: the not just for kids program and my disregard for deadlines/upkeep of the voicemail, finally occurred on wednesday. i stepped into her office, she pulled out a chair, and said, "so...i don't think this is really working out." i agreed, we called it a day, she asked me for suggestions for somebody else to fill my tiny slacker shoes, and that was that. then i spent the rest of my day finishing up work, mailing out tickets, and following up with people. without clocking in. i didn't ask tara why she didn't want me to do it anymore. i don't really even care. i feel a bit guilty about letting it get to this point, and i did learn a valuable lesson--no matter how mismanaged a company is, that doesn't mean you should respond in kind. i love tara. she is the best boss in the world. she is exactly how i want to be, if i ever do anything similar to her. and it is not her fault that the not just for kids series sucks so hard. i'm just glad to be done with it. parents are so angry, all the time. sheesh.

the point of this post was to note that i spent a wonderful evening and morning in the presence of two quite wonderful people, in the home of one colette alexander, who is a fantastic cook and an adorable hostess. we stayed up all night, drank cheap wine, and sang along to comcast karaoke (who knew?) till 5 am. then we awoke around 10, and there were omelettes frying, farm bread toasting, and fresh squeezed orange juice pouring into three glasses. my toes barely touched the floor and i crunched down on my toast with fresh apricot jam. i felt like a kid and an adult. it was so great.

i think if i can have mornings like that, it won't matter if the rest of my day is spent behind a desk, or a concession stand, or a podium. i like feeling like it's worth it to wake up and taste the sweetness in my mouth.


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