Tuesday, November 16

guess where i am!?

at my DESK!

for the first time since moving back home, i am actually moved back home.

my room is so clean. well, except for the clothes all helter skelter in a corner. but at least they are off the floor. and my bed and chair are clear which means i can sleep and type without crunching down on old papers or bills or socks. i am so happy. this is sublime. i pu tup a bunch of posters and pictures too. let's see:

on the back of my door is a strokes poster that i stole out of an NME magazine at border's, next to this is a cutout of julian casablacas in profile looking dishearteningly at my lightswitch. under my lightswitch is a bumper sticker that says eminem. above that is a matisse postcard and a poster of david barringer's "we were ugly, so we made beautiful things" short story collection. then the vagina monolgues poster from last year. then a motorcycle diaries poster (right above the head of my bed). then some wilco postcards, a marilyn monroe postcard, and a postcard that says "Am Sonntage küsse ich dich mündlich." -A. Einstein. then my lamp, bookshelf, and closets. above my dresser (in my closet) is a poster of ryan adams from Gold looking drunk and sexy. then there is a watercolor that a german guy did for me in my friend Vince's kitchen in five minutes and it is beautiful. then my mirror, a photo of my aunt and uncle's house in Voghera, Italy, above that a painting of some japanese people running over a bridge in pouring rain (by Hiroshige), above that a poster which says Kein Krieg. then my window. then the last wall--a poster i stole from a Ryan Adams concert in Germany, a collection of photographs of my fun times in europe in an ugly plastic frame, a gorgeous turquoise etching by Janie Paul, and a giant poster of the Berliner Ensemble's production of Midsummer Night's Dream.

i am so happy and at home now! i'm also exhausted. hmm, I still have to hang my Mumford painting and my Whistler etching. wait--i'm moving out of here in a month and a half. ah...........................shit.


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