Thursday, November 18

taking it back

woke up this morning to a doorbell. flowers--for me!? who are they from? i'll give you three guesses. funny that the first time he sends me flowers is AFTER we are broken up. not that that was ever an argument we had or anything. well, maybe i pointed it out once or twice. hey, i'm a traditionalist romantic at heart. i love the candelight dinners and the dozen roses. i'm not trying to say he wasn't romantic. he is the most romantic. but it's true, flowers are not his weapon of choice. well, these are beautiful. but now i don' tknow what to do. i don't know how to be broken up and still say thank you and mean it. this is such an intimate gesture, that's all. hmm.

i just called him. he wasn't awake yet. i said, "thank you thank you for the beautiful flowers. they are beautiful. i already said that. uhmmm.....thank you. the flowers are just so....beautiful, thank you. um. thanks. seriously. beautiful. i gotta go." i am a genius.

we'll see how that pans out. in other news, the high school play i am directing opens tonight!!! Miss Temptation. should be terrific. i want to get the kids some stuff. you know, like little cards with their names on them or something, and flowers. hey...i have some flowers to give them! that would be weird though. maybe some hershey's kisses? but chocolate is bad for the voice. *sigh* maybe for closing night, no time now. this is a pointless post. sorry. i have to go to work now. my life is boring.

oh! one little update. i saw two movies this week for the first time in months and months. "the motorcycle diaries" (a movie about a road trip ernesto "che" guevara took with his buddy when he was 24, and how that shaped his vision for a unified south america) which absolutely changed me and i loved it and want to see it again and have the poster hanging above my bed, and "i heart huckabees" which i wasn't that impressed with as a human being with a soul. as a movie appreciater it was great and all, but i left it the same way i came in, and i want movies--ok, all art--to CHANGE me, to make me care, to make me feel new. not so much the case here. oh well. i saw it for free.

okay i really have to go.


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