Sunday, November 28


hello dear readers. it's been a long strange weekend. between casting the vag mons (malinsk, you should appreciate that) and being sad about my and downs if you know what i mean. i wrote this huge long post before i left but it wouldn't let me put it up so i guess it's sort of dated now. instead i will post this email i just wrote to susie. the other one is basically just a long diatribe about music in response to an awesome email. maybe i'll just email him back. hmm.

so how was your thanksgiving? mine was dreadful. we were supposed to go to new jersey on wednesday night. my mother was coming back from a 10-day trip to venice (with michael her boyfriend....still feels weird to call him her boyfriend....ugh anyway) and her flight was going to get in right before our flight out to la guardia but it got delayed at the DC airport where she ahd her layover because they--wait for it--forgot to schedule a pilot.


i'll just let you think about that for a minute. ok so then we decided we were going to fly out on thursday (thanksgiving) morning but of course all the flights are packed so the earliest we can fly out is at noon. well. my mother thinks it would be a great idea to get tot he airport at 8 am because there's a chance we can fly standby because since she flies so much she is a world-elite member or some shit and can hop flights whenever she pleases. supposedly. yeah, that didn't work. so we sat at the airport till noon, boarded the flight finally, and sat awaiting departure. then the captain comes on and informs us, in a very tired voice, that the plane will not be taking off as scheduled because one of the baggage handlers (he said "trained gorillas") threw a bag a little too hard into the plane and broke a plastic wall, so they needed to get a mechanic to come out and fix it and it was going to take 45 minutes, but we had to stay in our seats. why exactly it was necessary to get a mechanic to fix a plastic wall that wasn't actually involved in the functioning of the airplane was completely beyond me. and why a roll of duct tape and some sharp incisors couldn't do the trick also escaped me. anyway the point is we didn't get jersey until 5 pm, even though we should have been there at 2. everyone was depressed because of my grandma, so they all went to bed around 8 or 9 and my family was kind of like, um, i guess we'll just go back to the hotel. so we did. the funeral was at 8 am the next morning, we went to my aunt's house in westchester for a quick lunch, and were back at la guardia by 4pm.

completely awful and ridiculous 23 hour journey. but the good part was, as we were driving back from the airport we realized that we weren't going to get to eat any thanksgiving leftovers because there had been no thanksgiving at our house. so then we were like, well....let's just make a thanksgiving dinner on saturday! which was today. and we did. and it was so delicious. really, you can't eat thanksgiving dinner at anyone's house but your own. their food never lives up to your standards. i spent the day in true thanksgiving fashion--plunked in front of the tv eating expensive cheese and crackers with my siblings while my mom did all the work. i saw catch me if you can--it was MUCH better than i expected. mostly because i've decided leonardo dicaprio is an awesome actor. i don't care what anyone says. also everything that happens in the movie is true. (most of it--well it's based on a true story.) and christopher walken rocks my face.

in other news, i am very sleepy. the tryptophan is kicking in bigtime. hope you all had warm and happy holidays.


Blogger Malinsk said...

Did I ever tell you I love Titanic? Mostly because I always love James Cameron, but partly because I thought it was so so so well done. Except for some of the cheesy lines. I can excuse those, though, because try as I may, I myself can't help but say some really cheesy shit on occasion.

Errm, yea yea, between reading about your casting this show and being part of the cast in some other shows, I can appreciate some of the extremes one can experience on both sides of up and down. Carrrorooolll!

10:36 PM  

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